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Obtaining a report by authorization

In the section REPORTS BY AUTHORIZATION, you can make a request to obtain a Credit Report of an individual entrepreneur, provided on the basis of an authorization (power of attorney) of the Credit History Subject (CHS), drawn up in accordance with general regulatory legal acts.

To create a request in the dashboard, click «Create a request».

In the form that opens, enter the TIN and mobile phone number, and then click «Submit a request».

If an individual does not have a TIN in accordance with the requirements of the Tax Code of Ukraine, you can search by full name and specify the surname, first name, patronymic, date of birth, and mobile phone number in the form.

If the request is successfully accepted, a corresponding message will appear.

The Credit History Subject (CHS) will receive a notification via SMS or in a chatbot on Telegram or Viber about the request for their credit history by your organization, and a direct link to approve the power of attorney and grant consent for the transfer of information specified in the power of attorney.
During this time, the report request is in the status «Pending approval».
Consent from CHS is granted after authorization in the personal profile at ubki.ua in the «Reports by authorization» section.

Algorithm for obtaining the report

✅ If the CHS has approved the power of attorney and granted consent with the right to provide a report on their credit history to the persons specified in the power of attorney, the Bureau, acting as the authorized agent, transfers the credit history, solely based on the received power of attorney and in accordance with the consent granted by the CHS.

Notification about the report submission will be sent to the email address of the user who submitted the request.

You can download the generated PDF report at REPORTS BY AUTHORIZATION – REQUESTS LOG.

To search for a report in the Requests Log, you must specify any of the available parameters, for example, TIN or the request number, select the request period, and click «SEARCH».

The details for each request will include: Request ID, date of the request/login, TIN/full name and phone number of the subject, status of the request and status change date. The approved requests will include the generated report Credit history

❌ If the CHS rejected the request, it acquires the status «Rejected», the report is not provided.


Note: For partners working on a subscription basis.

The organization’s administrator can configure low balance alerts so you can receive advance notifications to replenish the account, ensuring uninterrupted access to UBCH services.

To set up notifications, click the envelope icon at the top of your personal account, next to the tariffs section. In the form that appears, activate the toggle in the «E-mail» field, set the required minimum balance, and click «Save» button.

When the minimum balance on the account is reached, a notification will be sent to the Administrator’s e-mail.


In the REPORTS section you can receive reports on individuals and legal entities.

REPORTS – Report on an Individual

To obtain reports containing information about a credit history subject from state registers, other public databases, and sources open to the public, you should search for the credit history subject by entering its USREOU (TIN) in the appropriate field and click the “SEARCH”.

As a result, you will get a short identification of the located subject and a set of icons, showing the subject’s reports.

When you click on a specific icon, the selected report for the specified client will open in a new window.

In the Report on an Individual you can get the following reports from the Public Registers:

1.  SEARCH IN THE CANCELED PASSPORTS LISTS, including the MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS – checking the database of invalid passports (identity cards) for a passport.
To receive the report, enter the taxpayer identification number in the search field, fill in all the fields in the ADVANCED SEARCH CRITERIA, select the document type:
– passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
– ID card;
– travel passport;
– crew member identity,
fill in the document search form, and click the «SEARCH» button.

The report allows you to check the identity card in the databases of invalid and lost documents of the State Migration Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs through the API of the data manager online for the following types of documents:
– passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
– ID card;
– travel passport;
– crew member identity.
This report is provided through the API in XML format according to the Specification.

3.  ENTREPRENEUR DOSSIER (aggregate documented information about an individual entrepreneur from state registers, other public databases and open sources).
4.  INFORMATION FROM SRMPE (State Register of Movable Property Encumbrances).
5.  INFORMATION FROM SRRR (State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property).

By entering the USREOU or name of a legal entity and clicking the «SEARCH» button, you can find the subject of credit history.
As a result, you will get a short identification of the located subject and a set of icons, showing the subject’s reports.

In the Report on a Legal Entity you can obtain the following reports:

1.  PUBLIC DOSSIER (aggregate documented information about a legal entity from state registers, other public databases and open sources).
2.  INFORMATION FROM SRMPE (State Register of Movable Property Encumbrances).
3.  INFORMATION FROM SRRR (State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property).
5.  Court decision (checking if court decisions exist, with a display function, and the legal entity acting as either the plaintiff and or the defendant).
This report is provided through the API in XML format according to the Specification.

6.  Mass media notice (information about publication of various company data in mass media).
This report is provided through the API in XML format according to the Specification.

7.  Financial Report (service for obtaining financial statements of a legal entity, the report is based on information about the financial position and performance of the company).
This report is provided through the API in XML format according to the Specification.

How to add a certificate to the credit history?

  1. Авторизуйтеся на сайті ubki.ua та перейдіть в налаштування вашого профілю (по кнопці «Меню» в правому верхньому куті сайту, далі «Налаштування» – «Мій профіль»).
  2. В розділі «Сертифікат з курсу “Кредитна історія: що це і чому вона важлива?”» натисніть «Додати сертифікат» та дотримуйтесь інструкцій.
  3. Подана заявка на додавання сертифіката матиме статус «очікує підтвердження».
  4. Після перевірки дійсності сертифіката спеціалістом бюро заявка змінить статус на «підтверджено» або «не знайдено».

У разі підтвердження заявки у вашій кредитній історії буде відображено інформацію про наявність сертифіката з курсу «Кредитна історія: що це і чому вона важлива?». Ця інформація буде доступна кредиторам та може бути врахована як додатковий критерій, що позитивно характеризує позичальника.

Про результат опрацювання заявки вам надійде сповіщення на email або у telegram-бот.

Дякуємо за проходження курсу! Сподіваємося, що отримані знання допоможуть вам приймати зважені фінансові рішення та сприятимуть підвищенню рівня вашого добробуту. А сертифікат, доданий до вашої кредитної історії, засвідчить потенційним кредиторам ваші компетенції та свідоме ставлення до фінансових питань.

У разі виникнення труднощів з додаванням сертифіката або інших питань — звертайтеся за номером 0445851194, або до чату підтримки на сайті.

Request type

In the REPORTS section, in order to perform search and obtain a Report on an Individual or a Legal Entity after filling in the required fields in the request form, you must select the type of request depending on its purpose:

  • Loan application is a check used to approve a loan;
  • Verification is a check of the borrower’s questionnaire;
  • Monitoring is used to monitor your current borrowers.
  • Buy now, pay later is a verification of the client used to approve the purchase of goods or services under deferred payment scheme (BNPL);
  • Counterparty verification — obtaining information from public databases. Available only for 13/14/22/26/28/29/31/33/36/37/42 templates.
  • Verification of guarantor/pledger — when the principal borrower applies to the bank for a loan, the guarantor or pledgor undergoes a verification procedure to confirm their obligations.
  • Leasing application — checking the lessee to approve the lease.

A request of the «Monitoring» type is provided free of charge, if less than 30 days have passed since the first paid request for templates 10, 11, 15, 17, 25, 40, 44, 48 of the «Loan application»/«Online loan application», «Verification», «Buy now, pay later», «Verification of guarantor/pledger», «Leasing Application» type.

The list of request types available for the User in the web interface is set by the Administrator of the organization. By default, the request type is set to «Loan application», while the User has access to all types of requests and can choose the required one in the interface.

To select the type of request depending on the purpose of obtaining the report, click the drop-down list to the right of the «SEARCH» button and make a choice:

Click the «SEARCH» button.

Receiving reports on individuals and legal entities

In the REPORTS section you can receive reports on individuals and legal entities.

REPORTS – Report on an Individual

By entering the taxpayer identification number of a person and clicking the «SEARCH» button you can find the subject of credit history.
As a result, you will get a short identification of the located subject and a set of icons, showing the subject’s reports.


By hovering the mouse pointer over the report icon, you can see its name, cost, additional conditions for requesting a report or the reason for the absence of a subject’s report.

In the Report on an Individual you can obtain the following reports:

To obtain a report, you must enter the taxpayer identification number of the customer and click the «SEARCH» button.

The report is intended to verify whether the borrower is included in the Register of Persons with Restricted Access to Gambling Facilities and/or Participation in Gambling at the time of concluding a consumer loan agreement in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Consumer Lending”.
This applies to persons in respect of whom the said Register contains information about their use of credit funds for placing bets, according to the Commission for Regulation of Gambling and Lotteries (CRGL).

3.  SEARCH IN THE CANCELED PASSPORTS LISTS, including the MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS – checking the database of invalid passports (identity cards) for a passport.
To receive the report, enter the taxpayer identification number in the search field and select the document type:
– passport of a citizen of Ukraine;
– ID card;
– travel passport;
– crew member identity,
fill in the document search form, and click the «SEARCH» button.

To receive the report, enter the taxpayer identification number of the customer in the search field and select a convenient photo upload option for verification:
– uploading a file from your device;
– camera photo — a camera for taking pictures opens. Place the customer’s face within the scanner area, using the camera lens, and click the «Take a picture» button.
Upon uploading the customer’s photo, click the «SEARCH» button in the corresponding field of the form.

The report contains a customer’s identification data part and information in the UBCH database, that can be obtained by phone, indicating the type of the partner that provided this phone number.
To obtain a report, you must enter the taxpayer identification number of the customer in the search field, fill in the report form with the phone number and click the «SEARCH» button.
If you need to check several phone numbers, click + , enter additional phone numbers in the corresponding field, and click the «SEARCH» button.

The CONTACTS report contains the information about the individual’s contacts and their updates history.
To obtain a report, you must enter the taxpayer identification number of the customer and click the «SEARCH» button.

Please note!!! To receive the Contacts report, you must have the credit history for the given customer from your organization. If it is absent, the TIN will NOT be processed.

Generated reports are marked in the same part with corresponding icons.

Besides, the Report on an Individual contains the reports that can be obtained from Public registers, such as:

7.  ENTREPRENEUR DOSSIER (aggregate documented information about an individual entrepreneur from state registers, other public databases and open sources).
8.  INFORMATION FROM SRMPE (State Register of Movable Property Encumbrances).
9.  INFORMATION FROM SRRR (State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property).

To receive reports from open data sources, you must find the subject of credit history by entering their taxpayer identification number in the corresponding field and click the «SEARCH» button.

Generated reports are marked in the same part with corresponding icons.
When you click a certain icon, the selected report for the specified customer opens in a new window.

Statistics and billing

In the STATISTICS AND BILLING – Archive of the Organization’s Credit Reports, you can get detailed statistics for your reports with a breakdown into templates, indicating the number of reports received for the taxpayer identification number or request number, by selecting the reports generation period.
Details for each request will contain: request ID, the subject’s TIN, request date, request/template type, IP address/report generation time and report status.


In the REPORTS – AFS UBKI part you can obtain the AFS UBKI report on preventing operational risks.
The UBCH Anti-fraud System is an automated system preventing operational risks, based on the aggregate data about credit applications of all the service participants.
Anti-fraud verification allows to detect high fraud risk indicators in loan applications.

The service is based on comparing the corresponding data from a request, with that of historical application data in the Bureau’s database. Fraud rules allow to detect logical inconsistencies and previously compromised data. You can use the rules that have already been implemented in the UBCH, or you can create your own rules with a rule constructor.


In the REPORTS – Contacts (SKIP TRACING) section you can perform broad search for contact information of debtors , to update the contact data of borrowers by the taxpayer identification number or USREOU code.
During the search, mobile, business, home phone numbers and e-mail addresses are updated at the time the service is provided.

To generate the batch upload of the Contacts (SKIP TRACING) report in the working interface, you must click the «Batch Generation» button.

In the form that opens, you must enter the TIN(s)/USREOU codes in a column, and send the list for verification.

To obtain the batch, you must indicate the period when the batch was generated in the working interface, and click the «SEARCHv button.
As a result you will get the information on the generated batch, with the following status:

To get the processed batch, go to the DATA TRANSFER – File hosting service F2 menu.

To get the batch, you must select the «Contacts Report» module and the period, or specify the file name, then click the «SEARCH” button.
As a result, you will find the processed batch. To download the contacts report, you must click the button.

Telecom Report

You can find the credit history by a mobile phone number in the REPORTS – Telecom Report section.
With the report data you can assess the borrower by using their mobile phone number, specified in the UBCH database:

  • Indicates the period of using the phone number.
  • Does not provide any personal data.
  • Facilitates assessing the reliability of the borrower associated with the phone number.

The Telecom Report contains the phone number history, the masks of TINs of people with whom the phone number is associated, the credit score for each person associated with the phone number, and the types of organizations that interacted with the phone number.

To obtain the Telecom Report, you must enter the phone number and the settlement date in the search field, and click the “SEARCH” button.

The search result will be a generated Telecom Report, that can be obtained by clicking on the report icon  .