Photo Verification

Verification of identity based on a photo

Use state-of-art technologies for identity verification!

Verification of the correspondence of the person on the provided photo, to the specified identification data, via the photo-verification service of the Ukrainian Bureau of Credit Histories, allows for preventing fraud and identity theft.

This service is based on biometric face recognition technology – Microsoft Face API.

To perform the check, this service requires identification data (TIN, full name, date of birth) and the photo of the person.

The check is performed by making a comparison and determining the degree of similarity of the provided photo, with:

  • the reference photo from the UBCH’s database of subjects of credit histories, according to the specified data,
  • all the photos from the fraudster database,
  • all the photos from the UBCH’s database of application photos (persons who applied for credits to the partners of the Bureau, without a reference photo for verification),
  • all the photos from the open database of missing and wanted people of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Experiments using training sets, showed that:

  • When comparing with the reference face photo (one-to-one), the sufficient similarity degree is 32%.
  • When comparing with a set of face photos, from each of the databases (one-to-one), the sufficient similarity degree is 70%.

Therefore, the conclusion about successful photo verification is made, if:

  • the degree of similarity with a person’s reference photo exceeds 32%,
    no matches with the similarity degree exceeding 70% were found in the fraudster database and the database of missing and wanted people,
  • no matches with the similarity degree exceeding 70% were found in the database of application photos, with the identification different from the specified one.
New client
Photo Verification
  • Verifying client photo with other banks
  • Search by photo among fraudsters
MicroSoft Face API
no risk

In addition to the basic mode of the service, the following options can be used:

  • Checking the provided photo, by comparing it with only the reference face photo from the organization’s own database (if one was submitted beforehand to the bureau);
  • Search only in the photo-database of compromised persons (fraudsters, missing people, wanted people);
  • Comparison of two incoming photos;
  • Using the photo from the document as the provided photo;
  • comparison of two persons on one photo, for example, the face in the passport and the face of the person holding it.
The report on the Photo-verification service consists of the following modules:

includes the information on the results of the comparison of the provided photo with the reference one, as well as on the results of the check in the database of compromised persons.

Check in the Registry of application photos

the results of the check in the photo-database of persons, who applied for credits without reference photos for the photo-verification, including date and degree of similarity with the photo, where the resemblance was found.

Search in databases of missing and wanted persons

the results of the check in photo-databases of missing and wanted persons, including degree of similarity and information about the person on the photo, where the resemblance was found.


data received by the bureau from a person who corresponds to the declared identification data (сomments from the subject, reports of a lost passport, disputing a loan contract or activated FREEZE, credit history correction, certificate of passing the financial literacy test and information about the possible death of the person).

What tasks does it perform?
  • Identity verification at first contact;
  • Remote verification for online interaction;
  • Additional verification for identity confirmation.
Why is it beneficial for your business?

Photo-verification allows you to significantly reduce risks.
Hit rate of a photo availability in UBCH’s database is 70%,

  • 0.82% of requests reveal mismatch with the reference face photo,
  • 0.05% of requests reveal matches with the fraudster database,
  • 0.04% of requests reveal matches with the database of wanted people,
  • 0.01% of requests reveal matches with the database of missing people.
Report processing

After the Agreement-Application has been signed, and login and password for the access to UBCH’s services have been obtained, a report can be requested in the following ways:


This method allows you to request the reports manually.
It is enough to specify the TIN, full name, date of birth and add a photo of the face.

This method of reporting enables the automated processing of requests, and provides reports in the format of your choice.
General structure of interaction:
Http Method
Request URL
Test URL

 Requesting a report is possible only subject to the individual’s consent

Frequently asked questions

What is identity verification?

Verification is a procedure of identity confirmation, which is intended primarily for fraud risk mitigation.

What is photo-verification?

Photo-verification is a method of identity confirmation, based on the comparison of a person on the photo, with the reference photos of this person.

Does the service provide a photo-identification feature?

Identification is a method of identity determination. This service is intended for verification (i.e., Identity confirmation) and cannot be used for identification by photo.

> 30m
Clients with photos
> 7 thousand
Photos on the fraudsters database
10 sec.
Response time
5 databases
for biometric verification
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