United Register of Debtors is a state register that is run by the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.
Sometimes it is wrongly assumed, that this is information about non-payers, based on the database of credit histories that is run by the bureau; however, this register has a totally different content and goal.
Besides having its own database of credit histories, UBCH aggregates and provides data from various state registers and other open sources, including the register of debtors.

The following individuals and legal entities get into the United Register of Debtors who:
- lost a lawsuit and did not comply with the court decision;
- did not pay a fine for traffic violation or any other administrative fine;
- do not pay alimony;
- do not pay for utilities and have received a court decision on mandatory collection of debt;
- did not pay off a loan on time, and have received a court decision on mandatory collection of debt.

If a person is included into the register of debtors, such person will bear the consequences of a number of prohibitions and restrictions:
- prohibition to open new bank accounts;
- prohibition to leave the country;
- blocking of bank accounts;
- automatic debt charge-off;
- notaries can deny execution of an agreement on property sales

You can get information from the United Register of Debtors on any individual or legal entity, free of charge, in the «UBCH Credit History» chatbot on Viber and Telegram, or in the «Monitorno» chatbot on Telegram.
The search is performed in the «Search based on data from open sources» – «Collection» section based on the data of debtors (TIN or full name and date of birth for individuals, USREOU for legal entities) or the enforcement proceedings number (enforcement proceedings registration number in the Enforcement Proceedings Automated System).
You can also check if there are any enforcement proceedings for a legal entity in the «Business reputation dossier» report that includes full information on a company, based on the data from open sources, including data on enforcement proceedings.